Chat [PRO]

Chat for admins and speakers/interpreters

In order to communicate efficiently, you can use the chat of LiveVoice PRO that works for all speakers (e.g., interpreters) and the admin.

Note: The chat is not available for listeners but is made for communication between different speakers/interpreters and/or the event admin. 

1. Go to "Settings":

2. Turn on the chat toggle and click "Update":

3. As a speaker in an event, you can click on "Chat" in the top right corner to start chatting:

When you start chatting as a speaker, you first have to enter your name, so other chat users will know who is chatting. 

4. Now you can chat with other speakers or admins:

Note: The chat works on event level, which means messages will be visible for all speakers/interpreters. A chat on channel level (one-on-one) is not available yet.