Input Audio Settings

With the input audio settings, you can adapt your input audio according to your use case and needs.

In certain use cases (especially streaming music), it is recommended to turn off most or all settings, as this can improve audio quality.

As a rule of thumb:

If you use LiveVoice for spoken words, e.g., as an interpreter with a mic and want to cut out background noise etc. >> Turn Noise Suppression and Auto Gain on. Echo cancellation is only needed if you do not work with headsets (which is not really recommended anyway).

If you stream content that contains music, e.g., original audio from stage >>> Turn all settings off.

  1. To access the audio settings, simply click in the speaker lobby on the "gearwheel" next to the audio input.

  1. In the Audio Settings, you'll find three available configurations.

  • Noise suppression

Noise suppression in streams refers to reducing unwanted background noise or disturbances during real-time audio or video transmissions. It's a digital filter that helps eliminate things like static, background chatter, or ambient sounds, improving audio quality. This feature enhances sound quality by reducing or removing distracting noises. But sometimes it can also cut out sound that should actually be heard. So if your audio source does not have background noise (e.g., music from the stage) it makes sense to turn it off to improve your audio quality.

  • Echo cancellation

Echo cancellation in streams is a technology that identifies and eliminates echo during audio transmissions. It prevents the annoying effect of hearing your own voice delayed or hearing audio loops. This feature helps when you are not using headphones, but in most cases we recommend keeping it turned off. Disabling echo cancellation will lead in most cases to better audio quality, especially in scenarios where these algorithms could compromise vocal nuances or musical fidelity.

  • Auto Gain Control (AGC)

Auto Gain Control is a feature that automatically adjusts the volume of an audio signal to ensure it stays within a specific range. It regulates the signal's amplification to compensate for volume fluctuations, preventing it from becoming too soft or too loud. AGC is particularly useful in situations where input levels can vary significantly, such as in audio streams in different environments with varying background noises. In high-quality audio streams, such as professional music events, AGC might introduce unwanted changes to the audio signal's dynamics. Therefore, it is recommended to turn if off in such situations.

Note: Adjusting these settings is recommended for those with a good understanding of the system, as they directly impact the performance. You need to test out in your specific case what settings and combination makes most sense for you.