How to: Interpretation on site

On-site interpretation

The transmission of the signal works via the cloud, so you just need some form of wireless internet, no matter if it is Wi-Fi or mobile internet (3G, 4G, 5G).

Setup Version 1: Interpreter sits in same room

If your interpreter is sitting in the same room somewhere in the background, you require only one speaker device.

Setup Version 2: Interpreter listens via Relay Function 

The interpreter listens to the original audio via LiveVoice, sitting in a different room, and uses the same device to speak (relay function). If you want to use LiveVoice this way, at least two speaker devices are needed - one for the original audio and one for the interpreter. 

Tip: If you are using a computer as a speaker (=sending) device, we recommend Firefox as browser, since there you can choose your microphone input manually. 

Ready, set, go:

>> Explained: How LiveVoice works

>> How to set up events and channels

>> How to get the audio signal into your device